Content of this website may include relevant articles, listings, advertisements, images and video. Apart from publishing originally created content, ECity Bangalore also publishes information provided by advertisers and users.We are trying our best to maintain accuracy and authenticity of information published. However, contact information in the free listing are gathered from multiple sources and are not verified. We have no control over the quality of services provided by advertisers. External links to client web sites and other relevant web sites are provided for the convenience of users. We have no control over information that is accessible indirectly through these external links. We are not responsible for any inappropriate dynamic content in the externally linked web sites. ECity Bangalore is not responsible for the availability, performance, functionality or technological safety of externally linked web sites. However ECity Bangalore reserves all rights to remove any external link.
Order of the business listings is not based on quality of service. We do not review the quality and recommend or endorse any service. We have tried to order listings based on proximity to Electronic City. Some listings might be alphatecically ordered and some just randomly listed in the order of data collection. Advertised business will be given higher priority than free-listed business in terms of visibility and exposure.
Our intention is to serve for the benefit of business and user community. Information published by ECity Bangalore may not be misused for unsolicited communication. ECity Bangalore is not liable for any kind of damages, losses or action arising directly or indirectly, due to access and/or use of the site content.
The portal was registered before the official name change of our city from Bangalore to Bengaluru. Hence it is ECity Bangalore. Else, we would have loved to name this portal, ECity Bengaluru!
-Team ECity Bengaluru